Tuesday, January 23, 2018

10 Things That Are Unique & Cool About BC

10 Things that are unique and cool about BC

BC is a pretty awesome province, we have a beautiful coastline, some very majestic mountains, and this one place where you can get all you can eat poutine. We also have a bunch of fairly interesting things that make this province different, so today we are bringing you a list of 10 of the things that are unique about BC. Enjoy!

1) According to one report BC is the healthiest province in Canada, with a life expectancy of 82.2 years. We have low rates of obesity, drinking, and smoking, and the highest percentage of people who do physical activity in their leisure time. I think that means everyone has to stop making fun of our yoga pants now.

2) BC has had some weird laws. Between 1947 and 1986 you were not allowed to sell stoves within Vancouver city limits on a Wednesday. To be clear, you could sell stoves anywhere you wanted the other six days of the week, and outside city limits anarchy reigned and you could sell a stove on any day of the week.

3) BC has the longest running movie theatre in all of Canada. Powell River’s Patricia Theatre opened in 1913, and has been showing films ever since. It makes sense that film is important here, BC is second only to LA in TV production, so British Columbians are more likely than most to recognize that one place that was in a scene in that show that one time… you know the one.

4) BC is responsible for Botox. The cosmetic treatment involving injections that alter the shape of your face or lips was invented in Vancouver in the year 2000.

5) We are the only province in Canada without needs-based grants for students. In every other Province the provincial government looks at your household income and gives low and middle income students a portion of student loans as a non-repayable grant. We are currently working with other universities on the Grants Now campaign to get a comprehensive system of needs-based grants in BC, and catch up with the rest of the country. If this is the kind of thing you think is important, email campaigns@kusa.ca to find out how to get involved in the campaigns we run.

6) We are the home of the man with the longest beard. The Guiness world record holder is named Sarwan Singh, and he and his 2.33 meter long beard live in Surrey. For reference, Shaquille O'Neal is only 2.2 meters tall.

7) We basically invented speed-writing here (speed writing, it turns out, is a thing). The now international, 3-day novel contest in which writers attempt to complete a novel in 72 hours started in Vancouver in 1977. It started in a bar, so I am gonna go out on a limb and say someone made an overly optimistic wager about their writing skills one night after having a few too many local brews. But it continues to this day. You can find out all about how to sign up here.  

8) BC has been a leading adopter of Open Educational Resources, which are basically freely accessible textbooks, which you can usually find online. BC has the only program where you can get a whole degree without paying for a single textbook! It’s called the Zed Cred program, and was launched right here at KPU.

9) Oak Bay has some very specific laws about pets. Pet parrots must be confined to your property. If your Parrot is found trespassing, they can be impounded by the city, which will cost you $6 a day. You will also be fined if you fail to keep your bees away from your neighbours pond. I am sensing that that last one is the result of a specific incident involving an angry pond owner, but I could be wrong, this might be a common problem in Oak Bay.

10) Last but not least, you might expect California rolls, named after an American state and now a staple in every sushi restaurant, to come from California, but we get to take credit for that one to! California rolls were invented in BC, and kicked off the trend of turning rolls inside out to hide the seaweed from North Americans who weren’t used to eating it yet.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Club of the Month: Sustainable Agriculture Student Association

Every month we (try to, yes sometimes it just doesn’t end up happening, we’re sorry, please forgive us) feature a KSA club and highlight the fun/cool things that make their club different from the others. It’s a chance to get a little inside information, and see what events and meetings they have coming up.

Our January Club of the Month is the Sustainable Agriculture Student Association!

SASA (Sustainable Agriculture Student Association) is a unique club that caters directly to the students within the Sustainable Agriculture Program. We get together and discuss the program itself, swap textbooks when we can, and search for funding to send students to conferences that are relevant to our program. It isn’t just organizational tool for the Agricultural student body, but also a meeting for point for all the different years to get together and swap ideas, give advice for the program, for minors, for electives, and for course planning, we use it as a tool for our senior students to pass on their wisdom to the new crop of students.

SASA started because students wanted an organization that got all Ag students from all the years together, to have our own Ag specific events, and an organization that connected us all to KPU/KSA, but also to each other. The ability for SASA to fundraise to send students to program relevant conferences is also much greater than what each individual student could achieve, and the conferences that we have been able to send students to has been invaluable. Not only for greater learning in Agriculture, but also for networking, and future research and job opportunities.

SASA is still a pretty green. We haven’t established any major traditions, and events from year to year are always changing. The program itself is still new and evolving, and SASA is always evolving with it. This past year for example, there was extra produce that we usually sell at our farmers market, but due to a location change, there was even more surplus than normal. This led to the opportunity for SASA to sell the produce to their students on campus using a trolley that we took classroom to classroom. One theme, however, which SASA has always been pushing for, is for SODEXO to incorporate more of the student grown produce from our program into their menu. What better way to get the entire student body involved in the Sustainable Agriculture program, than by supporting their fellow students by eating locally student grown fruits and vegetables!

Our first meeting of 2018 is going to be on January 17. This meeting will be held to introduce our new all female executive consisting of President Piper Kenney, Vice-President Lindsay Dodds, Secretary Angeli Dela Rosa, and Treasurer Hazel Chan. We will also be discussing how many students we can send to the next COABC conference (Certified Organic Association of British Columbia) which will be held in Abbotsford in February where our own Kent Mullinix (Director of the Institute of Sustainable Food Systems) is one of the Key note speakers this year. This year their theme is Bioregionalism; resilience in a changing climate.

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

New Year, New Perspective

Every year when the clock strikes 12 and the calendar shifts into a new year, you get that feeling that you’ve been given another chance to get your life together.
Well, that’s the dream at least…there’s that perpetual feeling that the chalkboard has been swiped clean and you get a fresh start from the troubles you want to leave behind.

So what do you do with that kind of power? Most consider: joining a gym, starting a meal plan/diet, making new friends, trying new experiences? Why not attempt it all? You’re excited, pumped even. You can’t wait to do it and be the best version of you.

Well that’s where things get rough. You start the year ambitious, you do it all, you join the gym and meal plan and make friends with the person taking the boot camp class beside you and try online dating and join a book club. By the end of January you feel like a brand new person. You can do it all, handle it all and life is flying high. Then you skip a morning workout to catch up on sleep and ignore the text from your friend reminding you of class. You stop by McDonalds on your way home because the idea of making quinoa, steamed broccoli and chicken for the 3rd time this week makes you cringe. You abandon the dating app because you’re tired of no replies or inappropriate unwanted pics. You feel even more defeated than you did at the end of 2017.
Then you abandon it all and go back to everything you were trying to change for the New Year because you’ve overwhelmed yourself.

How about for 2018 you take a new approach. Choose one thing to focus on. Ask yourself what will improve your day? What will help combat your mental health daily? What is likely to become routine for you? Feeling overwhelmed can often affect your ability to make proper decisions and act rationally. When you take on too much you set yourself up for failure. Give yourself a chance to succeed in 2018, make this the year that your happiness takes precedent.
So join that gym. Just don’t push yourself to hard and go every day or multiple times a day. Start slow and work your way up so it stays enjoyable.
Or, go on another date when you are ready because love isn’t actually dead and anyone who ghosts you and send you inappropriate pics were never meant for you anyways. Just be gentle on your heart. Don’t go on date after date and try too hard, it will find you.

Or, choose a day to work on meal planning instead of slaving over the stove for hours every night so you have the rest of the week to add new activities like a book club to your life.

The point is to take that New Year feeling and harness it into a new perspective on how you want to approach your life. Because at the end of the day it’s your life and you get the chance to enjoy it as long as you don’t burden yourself with too much.

This blog post was written by Alicia, Kwantlen's Health Plan Administrator. As a KPU Student, you are automatically enrolled in a Health & Dental Plan. If you are covered by a family or work plan (with equal or greater coverage) already, you can opt out. Opting out must be done by February 2nd, 2018 for the Spring 2018 Semester. More information on your health plan here.